
Showing posts from January, 2023

La panthère des neiges

Two men explore the high-altitude wilderness of Tibet with cameras, filming wildlife from a respectful distance and searching for the rare snow leopard. An wonderful film with deep ecological meaning, amazing cinematography, music and sound design.  The Velvet Queen :  fsf  

Experiments with Google / Infinite Drum Machine

Infinite Drum Machine   Make beats with everyday sounds. 

MusicLM: Generating Music From Text

  The future of Music:  Google researchers have made an AI that can generate minutes-long musical pieces from text prompts and can even transform a whistled or hummed melody into other instruments, similar to how  systems like DALL-E  generate images from written prompts.  Have a listen: musicLM

François Bayle - Erosphère

  François Bayle   is a composer of  Electronic Music ,  Musique concrète .  He coined the term  Acousmatic Music . He studied with  Olivier Messiaen ,  Pierre Schaeffer  and  Karlheinz Stockhausen . Erosphere

Voice Actor

'Voice Actor’s record  Sent From My Telephone  is probably one of the most unique releases of 2022. It’s a 3,5 hour sound collage created by the Dutch duo of Noa Kurzweil and Levi Lanser. It’s simply impossible to listen to without being immediately drawn into a parallell universe where the detached dialogue of Kurzweil provide fragments of stories, lives and moments. '  

Music for Sho and Harp / Mayumi Miyata

Mayumi Miyata   is a Japanese player of the  shō , a traditional Japanese  mouth organ . John Cage  composed a number of works for Miyata just before his death.  She has also premiered works by  Tōru Takemitsu ,  Toshi Ichiyanagi ,  Maki Ishii ,  Joji Yuasa ,  Klaus Huber ,  Toshio Hosokawa , and  Uroš Rojko . Music for Sho and Harp