

  How does one spontaneously move to a source of sound coming from a fountain that is no longer gushing? What memories and what signs does this condition detect and recall? Can a fountain that was once a magnet of social interaction change the dynamics of the space when the medium of attraction changes? Through the Pure Data programming environment an autonomous algorithmic instrument (patch) was created which is simultaneously open to external sound interactions. At its core is a noise oscillator that is passed through a band-pass filter to simulate water droplets. The installation is based on two wireless speakers and two wireless microphones in the basement of the source.  More:  ichorous

Synth: Taiga: Pittsburgh Modular

West coast meets East coast and Synths are getting better and better.  This one is lovely! Taiga: Pittsburgh Modular

La panthère des neiges

Two men explore the high-altitude wilderness of Tibet with cameras, filming wildlife from a respectful distance and searching for the rare snow leopard. An wonderful film with deep ecological meaning, amazing cinematography, music and sound design.  The Velvet Queen :  fsf  

Experiments with Google / Infinite Drum Machine

Infinite Drum Machine   Make beats with everyday sounds. 

MusicLM: Generating Music From Text

  The future of Music:  Google researchers have made an AI that can generate minutes-long musical pieces from text prompts and can even transform a whistled or hummed melody into other instruments, similar to how  systems like DALL-E  generate images from written prompts.  Have a listen: musicLM

François Bayle - Erosphère

  François Bayle   is a composer of  Electronic Music ,  Musique concrète .  He coined the term  Acousmatic Music . He studied with  Olivier Messiaen ,  Pierre Schaeffer  and  Karlheinz Stockhausen . Erosphere

Voice Actor

'Voice Actor’s record  Sent From My Telephone  is probably one of the most unique releases of 2022. It’s a 3,5 hour sound collage created by the Dutch duo of Noa Kurzweil and Levi Lanser. It’s simply impossible to listen to without being immediately drawn into a parallell universe where the detached dialogue of Kurzweil provide fragments of stories, lives and moments. '